Our Tech Policy

Hi Delegates!

We only have 30 days till BMUN! (so get excited!!!) I just wanted to clarify our policy on external technology in conference. Because this is Security Council, we tend to be more lax on using computers and phones during committee.

In particular, we will be allowing phones and laptops during unmoderated caucus and outside the committee room during normal debate, so this means that during moderated caucuses and other substantive debate, we won't be allowing computers/phones inside the room; we do this so that delegations that are currently speaking get the full attention from the room. During moderated caucuses, you'll be allowed to work on working papers without restriction.

This will be most useful for when you all are writing your working papers. We will be accepting both written and typed working papers; if they are typed up, we prefer them being on a Google Doc, so it can be shared with both your fellow delegates and with us.

As always, don't hesitate to send us any questions about committee, the topics, or conference as a whole at unsclxvii@bmun.org.


Soham Kale,
Head Chair of UNSC, BMUN LXVII


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