Welcome to Security CounciI!

Welcome to BMUN LXVII and the Security Council! As a dais, we're so excited to work with you all in a fast paced, crisis heavy, yet still educational, committee. 

We'll be focusing on the Horn of Africa as our first topic, and Open Agenda for our second. In Open Agenda, we've chosen the Crisis in Burundi, the Myanmar Genocide, and the Gulf of Guinea as our chosen selection, however, the committee has the power to potentially choose any other substantial topic they would like to debate on as well!

You can find the official BMUN SC page here, where you'll find our topic synopsis, executive summary, and the position paper guidelines. We highly suggest reading through the topic synopsis fully to prep for writing your position paper (it looks long but we swear there are a lot of pictures and citations).

Also make sure to follow the position paper guidelines. They've changed substantially from previous years and you absolutely must follow them.

Throughout the series of blog posts we'll be posting leading up to conference, we highly suggest using the comments to start discussions and pose questions, not only for us, but for your fellow delegates as well. Make sure to read through all the posts and participate in discussions, as this is where we'll be posting topic updates, more possible Open Agenda topics, and other clarifications! Plus, it helps us get to know y'all before committee :)

If you have any questions about the topics, procedure, or BMUN in general, don't hesitate to contact us at unsclxvii@bmun.org.

Good luck researching and get pumped for conference!


Soham Kale,

Head Chair of UNSC, BMUN LXVII


  1. Researching the open agenda topics right now with my partner! Looking forward to committee and can't wait to meet you all! :)


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